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PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2024 7:46 pm 

Joined: Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:33 pm
Posts: 337
Location: Old Northwest (Michigan)
Fellow Sharpshooters

I’ve not located the source of inspiration behind the Irish Rifle Team’s decision to challenge the “Riflemen of America” to the historic long range shooting competition at Creedmore in 1874. However, one of the posters on the Shiloh Rifle website recalled hearing the following tale related to him by a fellow competitor, that may have been from the UK (or Canada?). It’s a fun little yarn that hopefully raises a smile.

The Irish Rifle Team was gathered in the back room of their favorite Pub minding their Ps (pints) and Q's (quarts) celebrating their victory over England and Scotland. They were being served by a bright and cheeky Irish lass. She over heard the different team members loudly regale their prowess on the shooting range. As the Team's enthusiasm peaked, the Captain, deep in his cups, loudly proclaimed: "We Irish have won a World Championship Victory!!" Delivering the next round, the lass asked him to name the countries they competed against. Thinking little of his answer, she returned to the bar to find a tall handsome man standing there. She recognized his accent and asked if he was an American. He said he was from the United States, and ordered his drink. Setting his pint before him, she looked up and asked: "Do you Americans shoot rifles?" He smiled; "Why yes we do. We have target shooters in the east and buffalo hunters out west, and near every boy and man shoots for fun after church on Sunday". The lass smiled, tucked her tray under her arm and, with a gleam in her eye, stepped up to the Irish Captain. Speaking loudly for all the pub to hear, she said; "Begging ye pardon, Captain Leech, but did any Americans shoot in this match ye be talking about?" As the Rifle Team fell silent, Captain Leech cautiously answered, "Ahm, No". The lass set her hand on her hip and tipped her chin up: "Well then Rifle Captain Leech, how can ye all be claiming to be World Champions if the Americans weren't there?"

And that's, as they say, is the rest of the story. Which is why I mind my P's in Q's when visiting my brother's Orlando pub on St. Patricks Day.

Bill Skillman
Michigan Companies
Berdan Sharpshooters Survivors Association

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