Fellow Sharpshooters,
The Spring 2015
Allies newsletter of the Military Historical Society of Minnesota and the Minnesota Military Museum features an article by native son, Steve Osman, entitled:
Captain Dudley Chase’s Target Rifle.
Accompanying the article is a wartime photo of second lieutenant Chase as ‘Officer of the Day’ (sash worn over the right shoulder), and a close up of his personal rifle.
Originally from Maine, Chase, his wife and six children moved west to settle in Minnesota. Chase tried his hand at lumbering and farming until his wife’s death. Hard pressed financially, the 43 year old Chase found homes for his children, then enlisted in the First Company Minnesota Sharpshooters, that became Company A of the Second Regiment USSS.
During the second day’s fighting at Chancellorsville, Captain Chase was struck by a bullet in the arm, followed a few moments later by a shell fragment. His men carried him away from the fighting to the field hospital, where his right arm was amputated. Transferred to a General Hospital in Washington DC., Chase succumbed to his wounds a few days later.
His body, uniform, sword and personal effects were returned to Minnesota and into his orphaned children’s possession. Retrieved from the regimental wagon, was Chase’s personal target rifle, that had accompanied him to Camp of Instruction. His daughter kept the target rifle, passing it down to Robert Freer, Chase’s great grandson.
At the time of the article’s publication, it was on display at the Minnesota Military Museum.
Bill Skillman
Michigan Companies
Berdan Sharpshooter Survivors Association