Fellow Sharpshooters
During our short reconnaissance of the northern shore of the Kellys Ford battlefield, the property across the river belonged to the
Inn at Kelly’s Ford proprietors. Unfortunately, as with all our trips east, the moment we discovered the site, the clock began it’s annoying ticking; Payne’s Farm/Locust Grove was still miles away and the October sun was heading westward at an annoying pace. While we vowed to return and ‘stomp the ground’ of the Kelly mill, village, and outbuildings and the site the earthworks, none of us has done so.
Fortunately, if you want to visit the Kelly’s Ford battlefield today, a substantial portion has been preserved by the American Battlefield Trust, and other organizations. You will find below the link to the history of the March 1863 cavalry battle across the southern field, as well as a map. If you use Goggle Map and type in Kelly’s Ford you can easily trace the ground where the Sharpshooters launched their intrepid assault.
https://www.battlefields.org/learn/civil-war/battles/kellys-fordBill Skillman
Michigan Companies
Berdan Sharpshooters Survivors Association